Spacetracker from Glenshaw, Pa on 12/7/2020 12:10:33 PM:
Today is Monday, December 7, 2020 and I just got off the phone and thought I would share this important information: “ PER PHONE CALL FROM LESLIE, WEST NEWTON TRAIL COUNCIL: "Dravo Cemetery is closed. The area will be used by the contract workers. No one is to canoe in, walk in or bike in to Dravo Cemetery area. Furthermore, The section of the trail which is closed also includes all the adjacent trail properties. Privately owned Henderson Road which leads down to Dravo is off-limits. However, the contract workers will be using Henderson Road." RE: 724 872 5586 Leslie” furthermore, you may access the trail at Buena Vista and bicycle or walk south towards West Newton etc.… But NOT North!.