Rivnuts from Homestead, PA on 3/29/2021 6:34:03 PM:
In addition to John W's remarks, note the difference in train departures and arrivals depending on which direction you choose to go. From Washington the train departs around 4:00 PM and arrives in Cumberland around 7:30 PM. From Cumberland the train departs around 9:30 am and arrives in DC around 1:00 pm. Depending on your travel itinerary, lodging, etc., one of these schedules may be better for you than the other.
Regardless of which direction you choose and if you have not followed some of the recent postings on this forum and/or the C&O website, be aware of the bypass detour required up and over the Paw Paw Tunnel. That may influence your preferred direction also.
In my opinion the first couple of days ride leaving Cumberland can be more difficult and with fewer points of interest so you may want to do those first, especially with the Paw Paw Tunnel bypass now required.