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Mark from Port Allegany, PA on 8/8/2023 4:20:43 PM:
What is the status of the Paw Paw Tunnel?

Rivnuts from Homestead, PA on 8/8/2023 6:37:58 PM:
I don't have current firsthand knowledge of the tunnel exit's status but the NPS C&O Canal website still reports it as being closed. That same web site has long stated that the tunnel exit should open by mid- to late-summer 2023. If true, it should be getting close to reopening.

I'll try to ask inbound riders toward Pittsburgh what they encountered if they passed through that area. I'll be riding through there in mid-September and am hoping that the tunnel exit is indeed open by then. I've made enough treks up and down the tunnel bypass trail.

Mark from Port Allegany, PA on 8/10/2023 12:29:44 PM:
Thanks - I'm planning on passing through northbound on 9/20 or 9/21. Will check back with the forum closer to my ride.

Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 8/13/2023 4:12:06 PM:
In speaking with inbound travelers yesterday, the Paw Paw tunnel exit was still closed as of the middle of last week.

Willy from Alexandria,Va on 8/23/2023 11:41:42 AM:
Oh well Paw Paw still closed as of last Friday the 18th.

Still not as bad as the detour I took to bypass the Greer tunnel closure on the Montour trail.

Open guess if the Paw Paw tunnel will be open on Sept 1 on my return trip home.

Update...Hallelujah!!! I looked at the NPS.gov web site today 8-25 and NPS claims that the PawPaw tunnel scaling project is complete and is OPEN to through traffic!!!

I will believe it when I pass through going back to Alexandria on September 1.

Anonymous on 8/25/2023 4:48:48 PM:
Humorously, the Tunnel Bypass Trail itself is now closed! That’s bad news for those masochists out there that were looking forward to trekking up and over the tunnel on a hot, rainy day with a fully loaded touring bike. :-) But don’t count me among them!

Seriously. Great news after a very long wait.

Caps from NY on 8/27/2023 10:43:01 PM:
Great news! I'm starting in Pittsburg on the 9th so should be hitting it on the 12th or 13th.

Willy from Alexandria Va on 9/4/2023 8:37:02 PM:
Yes I much prefer taking 20 minutes to walk through the paw paw tunnel rather than the 45 minutes over hill over dale of the tunnel bypass. Hopefully this is the last time the paw paw detour is ever mentioned.