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The C&O Canal Towpath Trail and Great Allegheny Passage

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ez-does-it from Brick,N.J. on 6/5/2024 11:22:29 AM:
Segment Closure Ready for July-October; Shuttle Planned
A 2.5-mile segment of the Great Allegheny Passage will be closed for a major underground pipeline replacement between Connellsville and Smithton starting July 8. A shuttle service for travelers and their bicycles will be provided by the Regional Trail Corporation between the hamlet of Adelaide (near Riveredge Road) and the parking lot near Dawson. Details on how to arrange a shuttle will be posted here as they become available. (Read more.)

Thought I would do a copy and paste from my email news update I get.


Anonymous on 6/5/2024 12:34:45 PM:
Thanks for that additional information regarding this closure. Thus far I’ve not seen any estimated duration of the closure. Although it is a large (30-inch) gas pipe that is being replaced, I would not think it should require a long time to just to replace the portion beneath the trail itself…unless the trail s used for construction vehicles for much of the other length of pipe being replaced.

Cathy from Churchill from Churchill, PA on 6/8/2024 1:19:22 AM:
Thank you for this report. I was hoping to ride in this area in the next month or so.