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Matt from DC on 9/1/2024 10:05:59 PM:
hello, my wife and I are thinking of riding from Cumberland to DC. We've done sections from Hancock/Big Pool and from DC up 50 miles. My wife gets very nervous on long, tall bridges. Are there any bridges on the C&O section that should concern us? I see some photos of old rails converting and one photo of a walk bridge that goes over trees, not sure if that's on the C&O or Allegheny. Thanks very much.

Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 9/2/2024 8:32:21 AM:
There are no tall bridges on the C&O. The tallest is likely the new bridge over Little Catoctin Creek at MM 52.5 and is only, say, 15 feet above the creek and perhaps only 50 feet long. The only high bridges are those across the Potomac River should you choose to leave the Towpath to go over to Harper’s Ferry, Shepherdstown or Paw Paw and they are much lower than the viaduct approaching Meyersdale on th GAP.

Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 9/3/2024 7:12:27 AM:
There are no tall bridges on the C&O. The tallest is likely the new bridge over Little Catoctin Creek at MM 52.5 and is only, say, 15 feet above the creek and perhaps only 50 feet long. The only high bridges are those across the Potomac River should you choose to leave the Towpath to go over to Harper’s Ferry, Shepherdstown or Paw Paw and they are much lower than the viaduct approaching Meyersdale on th GAP.

Matt from DC on 9/3/2024 8:33:10 AM:
Thanks very much! "viaduct approaching Meyersdale on the GAP" was what I needed to google to see the bridge I know we don't want to cross. Keystone viaduct also looks not great for acrophobics. All of that is in PA and they can keep it. Thank you.

Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 9/3/2024 10:05:41 AM:
The Salisbury Viaduct is the bridge I was thinking of at the time. The Keystone Viaduct is not nearly as high nor as long and doesn’t seem as daunting as the Salisbury Viaduct as it is shrouded in the adjoining landscape whereas the Salisbury Viaduct is completely exposed. The exposure makes for a much more dramatic view but likely much more imposing to those fearful of heights.