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Reply to Planning a 2025 flip-flop bike ride
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TrailRider on 11/3/2024 2:44:30 PM:
I'm planning a month long ride from Cumberland to Georgetown and back to Cumberland, possibly around beginning of April, and have two questions(more will come soon I'm sure).

What can I expect of weather for the month of April in terms of cold vs warm?

Is there an area in Cumberland that I can park my car for a month without the risk of it being towed?

I know I could complete a back and forth trip in a week, but I'm in no rush, and I'm considering trying to camp at every hiker/biker campsite (skipping the drive ins) in one run. I know that scenario is near impossible unless I only ride 8 to 12 miles a day, and skip every other campsite.

So far, that's my plan. I'm sure it'll change between now and then.

roadie mark from redford mi on 11/3/2024 4:11:37 PM:
Hey 2025 rider:

Check with the Fairfield Inn people in Cumberland. Nice place. There is a bike shop on the boardwalk nearby as well. The proprietor may have some ideas about parking. A copuple of bike shops in town as a matter of fact. April might be a good time to ride.

Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 11/6/2024 8:47:42 AM:
Regarding the weather, I’ve responded previously that I believe May is a better time for such a trip. Limiting your trip to the C&O versus the GAP reduces your risk of encountering some quite cold weather. Race could be an issue however over the course of a month.

There is free, public parking under the overhead highway near Canal Place in Cumberland.

Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 11/7/2024 6:33:55 AM:
Rain not race in previous message.