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Reply to Spring Ride Pittsburgh to DC with DC siteseeing
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Ed N from Milwaukee, WI on 12/6/2024 2:48:16 PM:
I'm planning on Spring 2025 ride from Pittsburgh to DC. Camping the entire way. I would like to do some siteseeing in DC on the cheap (never been). Trying to figure out where to stay, storing the bike and gear? Do I get into town early, ride around to different sites, and then ride back to the first campground on the trail? Any suggestions would be great!


Rivnuts from Homestead,PA on 12/6/2024 9:18:47 PM:
The first campground (Swains Lock) on the trail is 17 miles from the end of the C&O and add another 3 to downtown. It’s doable but a rather long commute. Staying closer to town would be more convenient. Hotels are expensive but with some investigation and planning, you can find an AirBnB in the form of a room in a house for much less. Typically such places have a place to secure your bike and gear. You may not be immediately downtown but can usually use public transportation to get there. You’ll want to be cautious what part of town you stay in but you can assess the various neighborhoods with some research.

I did this successfully a couple of years ago. Just my two cents worth.