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Reply to Bill's Place in Little Orleans
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Jay Perry from Canton, PA on 6/16/2017 8:56:48 AM:
Biked from confluence, pa to Orleans on June 7, second day of a four day ride. We just put in well over 105 miles and found Bill's closed. Now this isn't Bill's fault because he determines his days off but someone should friggin mention it in one of the tour maps/guide books, etc. or even mentioned it in one of the many videos we watched! Thank God for the Town Hill B&B for coming down to rescue us and hold some food for our dinner. That place and its people running it are amazing. The NPS should be ashamed of itself for not putting out more proper signage along this route. We rode a mile past Little Orleans before we realized it. And don't get me started on the DETOUR around Paw Paw. Just one word...UNACCEPTABLE.

Tampabiker on 6/16/2017 11:12:31 AM:
How frequent are the mile markers on the trail? Every mile? Randomly separated?

sergio from OC, Ca on 6/16/2017 2:34:07 PM:
We just returned from the trek and I had the same opinion. Fortunately Bill's was open so we had ice cream and soda. I think there may have been drinking water at the park where you make the turn off (which we almost missed!). We had considered stopping in Paw Paw to eat on our way to Hancock, but didn't want to add miles to a 60 mile + uphill detour day. The newest edition of the book is better, but i still would have appreciated tips on exactly where to turn off and what to look for and hills, etc for towns. We almost went past Bill's but fortunately saw someone to ask. It's out of the Fifteenmile Creek park on the canal. But I'd never seen that even mentioned. Love this forum to help each other!

Richard from DC on 6/16/2017 3:46:16 PM:
The mile markers on the parts of the C&O and GAP that I've traveled are every mile.

lenny on 6/17/2017 5:30:45 AM:
The Park service has nothing to do with commercial establishments. You should do more homework. As to mile markers some are hidden, but any bike computer will give you she same info. Oh yes, the closure is to make the path safe. Big Slack water detour lasted for years, and it sucked.