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The C&O Canal Towpath Trail and Great Allegheny Passage

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Concerned Mom from Va on 5/19/2011 11:20:52 AM:
With all the rain lately how is the trail looking for passage? My husband and son plan on doing this from Cumberland to Georgetown over the Memorial Day weekend.

Charlie from Laurel, MD on 5/23/2011 2:50:02 PM:
I rode from Georgetown to Seneca Aqueduct and back on Saturday. Other than a couple of small puddles and minor muddy area, everything was clear.

Greg from Alexandria, VA on 5/26/2011 4:36:16 PM:
I just did the towpath from DC to Cumberland and back. I'm afraid you're in for some rough trail conditions. The stretches between high-activity areas we're pretty bad when I went through...mud with deep ruts and puddles which really slowed me to a crawl. With today's round of severe weather, which looks to be going straight thru the Cumberland and Hancock areas, can't be good for the trail.