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mc on 5/23/2011 5:54:58 PM:
Looking for suggestions: Looking at starting in McKeesport and riding to DC. Must return to Pittsburgh via Amtrak to retrieve automobile. Train arrives around midnight. Should I cab it to McKeesport at this hour and get a hotel, or get a hotel in Pittsburgh only to catch the bus or taxi the following morning to McKeesport? I am also open to suggestions as to a different course of action.

Colette from Pittsburgh on 6/2/2011 12:53:21 PM:
Amtrak is in downtown Pittsburgh. Suggest you drive to a hotel near McKeesport (I don't think there are any in that town.). Suggest you look in Irwin, Monroeville, or Pittsburgh for hotel. Then drive to McKeesport, park your car in the parking garage, bike to DC. Come back to Pgh via Amtrak, stay at hotel in Pgh, and shuttle to your car parked in McKeesport. Not easy! If you postpone trip til 2012, you would be able to bike into Pgh rather than stop in McKeesport.