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Reply to Shuttle from DC to Cumberland
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Rodney from Orlando Florida on 5/25/2011 9:51:20 PM:
Thanks in advance for your help. Any suggestions for a shuttle to Cumberland? I want to leave my vehicle in DC area after driving up from Florida and get a shuttle to Cumberland. Rodney

Paul A on 5/28/2011 4:13:27 PM:
I'm going to recommend Cumberland Trail Connection. You'll find them listed in the Towns and Services section of this web site.

Pmikey from Slanesville WV on 6/5/2011 4:30:29 PM:
YOu can take an Amtrak train from Union Station in DC to Cumberland Md. The train station is about 3 blocks from where the Great Allegeny Passage and the C&O canal meet. This is also where Cumberland Trail Connections is located too. But, you cannot take bike(s) on the train. But, you can rent a nice bike for $25 per day at Cumberland Trail Connections. Or you can ship your bike to them and they will have it ready to go when you get there. They are really nice people too. You can rent a car in DC and drop it oof in Cumberland. Rental drop off is about two blocks from the C&O canal. It is about a 3 hour drive from DC to Cumberland. I'm local to the area so if you need any addtional info post your email address and I will get back to you ASAP.
