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Reply to C & O bicycle and bunkhouse
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John from DC on 7/4/2011 12:01:06 AM:
This is a great place to stay in Hancock at mile 125. The owner is very friendly as is the bunkhouse caretaker. I packed light (no tent) and it was a pleasure to not get soaked. 10 bucks gets you a shower, a Jose to wash the muck off your back and a hard bed.

Anonymous on 7/4/2011 12:02:59 AM:
That should read hose. Typing on phone. Also the sleepei g accommodations are screened in.

vabiker23518 from Williamsburg, VA on 7/5/2011 1:16:07 PM:
We stayed there two nights in June. Agree with everything you said, but was a little disappointed in the cleanliness of the bunkhouse. Don't think its been swept this year!