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Reply to Pgh-DC ride
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lenny on 7/9/2011 4:43:05 AM:
Sandcastle to McKeesport is a very nice trail.A quick 6 miles to McKeesport. Leaving Harpers Ferry this AM for final leg Had a very good trip. rain all afternoon yesterday, lot of large puddles snd 2 flats. Just part of the experience. Will elaborate when I get home

Harry on 7/26/2011 6:43:05 PM:
I am planning a ride in September, I'll be renting a car and driving to the Pittsburgh area then biking to DC. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions on places to stay overnight near the trailhead in Duquesne/Homestead? I believe this is now open This seems to be my biggest challenge in planing the trip. My fallback is to stay in Pittsburgh then take a shuttle/taxi to the trailhead. Thanks for any ideas

Lenny on 7/28/2011 8:50:30 PM:
Harry yourJuly comments are not coming up on my computer!!

Harry on 7/31/2011 4:21:26 PM:
I am planning a trip this September. I'll be renting a car and driving to Pittsburgh. I am having trouble finding out which is a better option... 1, Staying overnight in Pittsburgh then taking a shuttle to the trailhead or 2. are there better options near the new trailhead in Homestead / Duquesne. I've read that biking the road from Pitssburgh to the trailhead is not a good choice
