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The C&O Canal Towpath Trail and Great Allegheny Passage

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Nora from Nashville on 4/18/2012 12:11:20 PM:
We are riding the C&O and the GAP next week. Rain is in the forecast. Does anyone know how likely it is that the trail will be muddy to the point that it will be difficult to ride?

speedster on 4/19/2012 3:32:43 PM:
Not that likely. It's been an unusually dry spring, for starters, so the ground isn't overly saturated to begin with. I rode a section of the trail last weekend after a heavy rain Sat. evening, without any sort of problem.

Furthermore, there is a stoney base layer pretty much everywhere I've traversed along the trail route. Big washouts and puddles shouldn't be a factor.

Obviously, bring raingear to keep yourself dry if rain is a possibility. Other than that, get out there and enjoy it!

Nora Balint from Nora Balint on 4/20/2012 5:31:41 PM:
Thank you, speedster! That is comforting. Have a good weekend!

lenny on 4/21/2012 4:29:38 AM:
the GAP will be fine in the rain because of the ballast base and chip top. but the C&O is a notorious mud hole in places after a rain.I've done the C&O twice and it rained one day each time and the track was puddled

vabiker23518 from williamsburg va on 4/23/2012 1:32:11 PM:
Wow...looking at all that snow in and around the GAP...hope you're not out in it!