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The C&O Canal Towpath Trail and Great Allegheny Passage

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lenny on 6/13/2012 8:35:40 PM:
Doing a trainer next Sat. and Sun. Pitt. to Ohiopyle and back.76 miles each way. My wife is doing The Ride with me this year and wanted to see how 2 long days felt. She has already done 3 60+days in the past, but isn't real confident in her ability. She will be fine . I'll report.

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 6/14/2012 7:55:12 AM:
It looks like you are going to have some great weather for your ride. Can I ask what speed will you average on your trip or how long do you think it will take you to do the 76 miles? Good luck to you and your wife!

lenny on 6/16/2012 2:54:30 PM:
just over 6 hrs. saddle time , but less going back to Pgh.

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 6/16/2012 5:15:32 PM:
Thanks Lenny. Right around 12mph is what my wife and I average on our normal trail rides. A little faster on paved trails and a little slower on wet, unpaved trails. I think on the C&O we were around 8mph in some spots.