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Reply to Western End???
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Anonymous on 6/20/2012 2:45:48 PM:
Planning a trip from DC west for later in the summer. I am not from the area. I can't figure out where the GAP actually ends. Need to make some plans for where to be picked up. Figure out how far/close to the airport I am going to end up, etc.

Thanks for any help.

One final question...am I understanding correctly that the GAP is paved from Cumberland west?

Thanks again!

lenny on 6/20/2012 4:04:45 PM:
GAP ends at the Waterfront in Homestead right now.But I have made it to the Southside trail threw Sandcastle and on to Point State Park. But the Airport is still a taxi ride away. Check the maps and mileage charts on this and the Great Allegheny web sites it will clarify a lot for you.

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 6/20/2012 4:42:20 PM:
Also, the GAP is not paved. There are some spots that are paved. Usually around a town. The GAP itself is a wonderful trail, smooth and well maintained.

Anonymous on 6/20/2012 10:50:35 PM:
Again. Very helpful. Will plan to end at Homestead and make travel arrangements from there. Thank you all!

Done it many times over from Pittsburgh on 6/22/2012 1:31:18 PM:
You can now technically ride direct to the airport using the Montour trail instead of travelling into town. The Montour connects via couple share the road lanes in Mkeesport. I know its not the entire GAP but no need to take a taxi.