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DSD on 4/13/2013 2:44:14 PM:
So I'm trying to determine the so call formal west end of the GAP to start a planned trip in July to DC. I read they plan on finishing the end starting at Sand Castle park in Homestead? Then I go to Google maps and they show a "planned" trail going west along the river at the Sand Castle park as the GAP, then it turns into the Steel Valley Trail and then the Three Rivers Heritage Trail crossing the Hot Metal Bridge. Are these other trails different? So where would the real marked end of the GAP be located in late July?

Lenny on 4/13/2013 3:20:19 PM:
The trail that I have been riding for years is comprised of many inner city trail segments beyond Sand Castle (west). They are called South Side Trail, Eliza Furnace Trail and others that I don't recall, although they together make up the very west end of the GAP. ending at Point State Park.The section west of Sand Castle is under construction now, and will be finished by summer. It is less than 1 mile.

lenny on 4/13/2013 7:07:19 PM:
By the way I believe the Steel Valley Trail begins at Duqusene and continues through Homestead.

DSD on 4/14/2013 10:35:01 AM:
Lenny, you are the true source. Going west, I see after crossing Hot Metal Bridge I can follow the Three Rivers Heritage Trail all the way following Penn Lincoln and Lincoln Highway (I376) west on the trail until it comes to Smithfield St. Bridge by Ft. Pitt Blvd. But it goes south over the bridge. I can instead just stay on the north side following it west for about 6-8 blocks until it gets to Point State Park? There are enough signs to keep me going in the correct direction? I can start in Homestead if this starting point (from Point State Park) takes me into unfriendly neighborhoods or bad traffic? What is your educated opinion?

lenny on 4/14/2013 1:13:33 PM:
No bad hoods. The worst of the worst you will encounter is the projects in McKeesport and its not bad, and have never Had a people problem. By the way this is Swin Cash's hood. She of college basketball fame.

Ron from Indianapolis on 4/16/2013 8:25:16 AM:
Planning on riding this summer from Pittsburgh to Washington DC. We plan on coming into Pittsburgh on the Greyhound Bus and would like info on getting from the bus station downtown to the beginning of the trail. Can anyone help with directions or suggestions? Thanks

lenny on 4/17/2013 4:37:02 AM:
Go to Allegheny Trail Alliance sight. click directions to trail heads. You should find all you need . I like to start at Point State Park, it is at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. And its on the way to the start point.

DSD on 4/26/2013 1:54:09 AM:
Lenny, Will it be done by late July? Is it govt. or private will determine on time completion?

4-23-2013: The Sandcastle road is closed for trail construction. Paving has begun bicycle, pedestrian and car traffic cannot get through until paving is completed. Please respect our contractors request and stay away from this site. Stay tuned for updates. We do not recommend riding Route 837 from the Waterfront to the Hot Metal Bridge: this well-traveled highway has poor sight lines in many areas and non-existent shoulders. Most of the local buses can transport two bicycles per bus. Schedules and maps are available at Port Authority's web site: Visit the Website

lenny on 4/27/2013 4:32:14 AM:
The last mile is scheduled for Grand Opening 6/15/13. Go to ATA, Great Allegheny Passage site and look under news and events, scroll down to June 15, and you will find it.

Jerry from Bedford on 5/24/2013 9:47:18 AM:
The trail is now open (since May 17) all the way into Pittsburgh. See the GAP website and other information on line.