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The C&O Canal Towpath Trail and Great Allegheny Passage


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lenny on 5/5/2013 8:19:39 PM:
Betsy, I don't think this sight is the appropriate place to announce your business, unless of course I'm wrong and your going to take my picture for free.

Betsy on 5/6/2013 7:05:17 AM:
I noticed that my business is not listed in the section on trail amenities on this site. I decided to announce it so that people know that it is available to them. I'm sorry if I offended you or any other forum user.
I will be happy to take your picture for free!

lenny on 5/6/2013 8:11:52 PM:
Bets, I suggest you ask ray the webmaster of this sight, how you can get on the lists. No hard feelings, just asking. Good luck with your venture.