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Naismith from Florida on 5/5/2013 9:02:23 PM:
I have grandchildren who love getting paper mail. I am hoping to send a postcard every day of our trip from Brunswick to Pittsburgh. I am sure that I will be able to find postcards in the touristy places or park bookstores at Harpers Ferry, Cumberland, etc. But what about Hancock, Meyersdale? Any suggestions?

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 5/6/2013 8:45:54 PM:
Although I have never looked for post cards, I am fairly certain that you can get postcards in the train depot at the trail head in Meyersdale. They have a small gift shop & museum in it. You should check their hours of operation. Best bet at Hancock is the new C&O Park visitors center. It is right on the trail. We have bought several books there. Hope this helps.