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The C&O Canal Towpath Trail and Great Allegheny Passage

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Wayne from Southern New Jersey on 5/12/2013 8:47:46 PM:
We are planning a short three day trip on the C & O. My wife and I are planning to bike from Williamsport to Shepperdstown and spend the night. The next day we plan on biking down to Brunswick and then back to Shepperdstown to spend another night. On the third day we would return to Williamsport. First question - an problems with this run? We are bikers however have not done the C & O yet. Second question - we will need to park our car in Williamsport for a few days. Is there overnight parking somewhere relatively safe?

lenny on 5/13/2013 4:20:36 AM:
Both days are short rides, with los of time for sightseeing. And yes the williamsport Trailhead has alot of safe parking , with restrooms.

Fishead55 from Richmond , Va on 5/19/2013 11:50:33 AM:
Really nice ride and great sight seeing. We stay at the Bavarin Inn in Shepherds Town.Great rooms and eat at the basement Pub..Food is fantastic.

Wayne on 5/22/2013 8:23:19 PM:
Thank you!!!!