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Matt from Ambler, Pa. on 5/16/2013 1:03:34 PM:
A friend and I are planning a GAP/C&O ride for June 20th, expecting to finish on the 25th. As we are both novices, we would appreciate any advice or insights anyone has for us. Also, if anyone near Philadelphia is interested in sharing the rental car expense to Pittsburgh, let me know...

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 5/18/2013 8:18:45 PM:
Matt, I would be happy to try to answer any questions you may have but you left your original post / question pretty wide open. Too much info. to try to pass on in a reply. Make sure to read through all of the posts on this site. There is a lot of good info on here.

lenny on 5/19/2013 5:21:31 AM:
JBB is right, specific ?? are easy. But it looks like six days are a good time frame for novices, and June is still relatively cool.