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Jay Boyle from Toms River NJ on 1/20/2014 3:47:55 PM:
I'm doing a trip june 7th for about a week from Pittsburgh to cumberland and then I'm going to see how I feel if I will continue to DC. I just took up cycling about a year or so ago and none of my motorcycle friends have a desire to share this trip with me. I'm going to camp or stay in hotels what ever works best for that night. I have no problem eating hot dogs by the camp or eating steak in the hotel restaurant. Anyone looking to share a trip email me at jboyle464@gmail.com Never did a trip of this size and I'm a little hesitant of going alone but will if need be. Male 50 yrs old MT bike I have a ride from NJ to Pittsbugh and my wife will pick me up when I had enough or in DC what ever comes first.

Scott from Powhatan, Va on 1/20/2014 8:47:25 PM:
Hello, I am taking the trip leaving on May 3 and I can't wait. I just wanted to tell you there is a site called bikepacking.us and they are doing a ride on the GAP June 5-9 and I think it's free. Good luck.

Anonymous on 1/21/2014 8:31:58 AM:
You may start out by yourself but you wont be alone. All kinds of nice people you will meet along the way. Thats what makes it fun.

Jay Boyle on 1/21/2014 8:52:05 AM:
That makes me feel good. OK I'm rolling as planned rain or shine wish me luck.

Bernhard from Columbia , md on 4/26/2014 9:31:44 PM:
How will you get to Pittsburg
.i'm planning to do the same towards the end or beginning of June/July

camtrox on 5/8/2014 11:32:18 AM:
Good luck!

Anonymous on 5/9/2014 1:45:37 PM:
When nearing confluence, rockwood meyersdale area on the trail stop in at the Rockwood Millshoppes and hostel. You will enjoy the food and appreciate the accommodations.