Stillriding from Pittsburgh on 3/18/2019 10:04:22 AM:
E-Bikes are very legal to ride on the trail. Everyone on a E-Bike or regular bike has to obey all the same rules. The speed on the trail is 15 mph. With that said, yes,I have seen E-Bikes go over that but also regular bikes go over that. When you see someone on an E-bike chances are they are older, heaver, or may have a disability that you may not even be able to see. The point is these bikes cost more money and they are spending it so they to can still enjoy the trail or maybe just being able to ride a bike again. I don't like being passed but if a person calls the pass out before hand and for the most part the trail is plenty wide enough, it's all good. And yes, I have an E-Bike,and two regular bikes and depending on the ride location, length, time and how I feel that day, then I decide on which bike I take. It's never just because I want to go fast, however, I do enjoy being able to pass people again at 67 which does not happen on my regular bikes. Hope this helps. Any comments are welcomed. Enjoy the ride.