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Reply to Harpers Ferry parking

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Reply to Harpers Ferry parking
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Sam Steeley from Orrstown on 4/8/2014 5:58:34 AM:
Can anyone suggest a safe place to park for 4 days at Harpers Ferry?

I plan on riding out from Harpers Ferry, two days out and two days back. Need to leave my truck somewhere in Harpers Ferry.


Anonymous on 4/8/2014 3:54:00 PM:
I went to the visitor center above downtown and asked them if I could leave my car in their lot. They said fine. I gave them my name,address,phone #, left it there for a week and it was fine when I got back..Just understand its left unattended and they are not responsible for anything.

Anonymous on 4/13/2014 5:38:27 AM:

Anonymous on 4/23/2014 3:15:55 PM:
The Rangers and Staff at Harpers Ferry (and the Visitors Center) are really good people and very helpful. Just make prior arrangements and it will be fine.

Paul from Quincy, IL on 6/1/2014 8:19:15 PM:
It looks like the question has been answered. But I did notice that there are 120 long term parking spaces at the Amtrak station. There is no agent, so no one is to know you are biking.

I can't answer the "Is is safe?" question, but I routinely leave my van at Illinois and Iowa stations for a month at a time.

"Is is safe?" question usually get answered at
