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Reply to Attn Lou: bike path from Towpath to Paw Paw

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Reply to Attn Lou: bike path from Towpath to Paw Paw
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Carol from Paw Paw, WV on 8/1/2014 3:52:38 PM:
The NPS is building a bike path from the C&O towpath to the bridge over the Potomac River(Rt 51) which goes thru a cow pasture and keeps bicyclists off the busy Rt 51. On the bridge there is a bike lane and from the bridge to Paw Paw there is a bike lane on the side of the road. The new bike trail is expected to be completed this fall.

Randy on 8/4/2014 1:54:46 PM:
Thank you Carol for the information.
Do you have a bird's eye view of the project? Are they making progress?
The reason I'm asking is that the Slackwater project took years so I'm hoping this goes faster. Thanks.

lenny on 8/5/2014 3:59:23 AM:
Big Slackwater project was an engineer nightmare as well as very dangerous.With one more problem. FUNDING.

Carol from Paw Paw, WV on 8/5/2014 7:18:03 AM:
I live 1/4 mile from the construction and yes it appears they are making good progress. I have spoken to the supervisor of the project and he says they are on time. I have been watching with more than a passing interest, I own the B&B which is located at the end of the bike path. I don't think they are finding the cow pasture too challenging.

Randy on 8/5/2014 2:04:43 PM:
Thank you Carol. Glad to hear this project is on schedule and they have the funding.
They have also been talking about expanding the Western Maryland Rail Trail for years and that project was to take the WMRT all the way to Paw Paw. I've seen surveyor stakes, but no work was ever done.