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Reply to Mckeesport to Amtrak station
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cathy from farmington, nm on 7/10/2010 4:46:33 PM:
Is there a good bike route from the end of the trail to the Amtrak station in Pittsburgh? Thanks for any information!

Cass from Falls Church, Va on 7/14/2010 12:42:13 PM:
not that I found- did that two days ago- it was quite harry. Had to carry the bikes down some freeway stairs at some point, and got all spun around near some cadmium processing facility. Eventually found a spot to carry the bikes across the train tracks back on to the trail that gets you all the way into the city via the hot metal bridge. It's definitely doable, and I wish I'd have actually looked at Google Maps or something first and written it down, but it's not for the faint of heart. Good luck!

cathy from farmington, nm on 10/31/2010 9:27:29 PM:
thanks...I think we'll get a shuttle!