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Cyclesome from Hooversville, Pa on 9/23/2010 2:25:47 PM:
Is there any other way to bypass the Dam 4 Detour? I hear it is steep and I am not sure I want my mom riding on this section. Any ideas on how to avoid this section to continue on? Walk your bike on towpath? Advice needed.

Pete F from Mechanicsville on 9/27/2010 9:03:02 PM:
I rode west last year and I think there is only one way to ride the bypass. There was a steep hill on a windy road as soon as I got off of the trail but that last long. I think it was at most a half mile and then the rest of the bypass was a very gentle ride back to the towpath.

jeff from madison on 10/5/2010 10:19:15 PM:
wait a few years till it is fixed? Steep for a little ways out of the river basin. After that rolling hills with fairly cautious drivers.