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Reply to Little Orleans Parking Area
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Randy from Elizabethtown, PA on 10/6/2010 9:38:57 AM:
Planning a day trip. Where is parking available near the C&O Canal near the Little Orleans area? I'm looking at the Google Satellite image and I don't see much. It could be obscured by trees. There's supposed to be a Camp Site right off the trail. Is the Parking relatively secure. Can you park near Bill's Place? Thanks.

Dwayne from Elktoj MD on 11/15/2010 1:07:07 PM:
You can park in the park down by the ricer.

keith from orrville, oh on 12/27/2010 8:10:09 PM:
There is virtually nothing in Little Orleans except Bill's. It is a restaurant/bar/grocery. You can park there. It is 1/10 mile or less to the towpath. (There also is a comercial campground a mile away and the Little Orleans Lodge also about a mile away. It has overnight housing.)

Jim on 4/11/2011 3:16:23 PM:
There is only room to park about 5 or 6 cars near the gated entrance. You could park further down along the river, but in the Spring this could be very muddy, also I would have some concerns about security as this area is obscured from view from the main trail. Also, be careful if storms are forecasted because any river rise will cause problems for you. Bill's Place does not have a parking area per se.