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Fall in Ohiopyle
Fall in Ohiopyle, PA on the GAP
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The Parker House in Confluence
 -  + Very convenient. This little town and this house is stunning. What a location. I highly recommend this place.
Discussion started 09/11/2012 10:39 AM by Dana - 1 reply (last reply by YellowBird at 10/17/2012 07:46 PM)
Dana on 09/11/2012 10:39 AM
Very convenient. This little town and this house is stunning. What a location. I highly recommend this place.

YellowBird from NJ on 10/17/2012 07:46 PM
Loved this place too. The town is very nice, very 'small town America'. They don't serve breakfast, but there is plenty of comfortable sitting room in the house and Sisters Cafe in town. Downside... bikes are stored outside on a rack.

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The Parker House in Confluence

Bright Morning Bed & Breakfast in West Newton
 -  + Stay here. Wonderful warm people. They helped arrange everything for me--shipped my bike to the bike shop just down the street and they picked me up from the airport. Literally right on the trail. ...
Discussion started 09/11/2012 10:41 AM by Dana - 1 reply (last reply by YellowBird at 10/17/2012 07:43 PM)
Dana from Arizona on 09/11/2012 10:41 AM
Stay here. Wonderful warm people. They helped arrange everything for me--shipped my bike to the bike shop just down the street and they picked me up from the airport. Literally right on the trail. What a great way to start your ride.

YellowBird from NJ on 10/17/2012 07:43 PM
Agree! Nice innkeeper. Clean. Right on the trail. Nice sitting room. CLose to bike shop.

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Bright Morning Bed & Breakfast in West Newton

The Town's Inn in Harpers Ferry
 -  + It is great to stay right in the heart of Harpers Ferry. Nice rustic inn-great restaurant. But you have to be able to carry your gear and bike up a stair case to get over the bridge--so be warned.
Discussion started 09/11/2012 10:29 AM by Dana - 1 reply (last reply by YellowBird at 10/17/2012 07:42 PM)
Dana from Arizona on 09/11/2012 10:29 AM
It is great to stay right in the heart of Harpers Ferry. Nice rustic inn-great restaurant. But you have to be able to carry your gear and bike up a stair case to get over the bridge--so be warned.

YellowBird from NJ on 10/17/2012 07:42 PM
I hated this place... it was not clean. Shower curtain had mildew. Cobwebs at ceiling. Rugs had not been vacuumed. Windows dirty. Innkeeper was ditzy -- room wasn't ready. Gave me key to another room. That wasn't ready either. Ran out of several menu items in restaurant portion. Pepper shaker was sticky... the whole place just gave me the heebie jeebies and not because it was old.

As for the elevated walkway to get over to Harper's Ferry -- be very careful in the morning especially if it's dewy... I slipped and fell, even though I knew how slippery it was.

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The Town's Inn in Harpers Ferry

 -  + Just an opinion.I think the posters on this sight should write and email AMTRAK regularly asking about roll on service and when it will be instituted on the DC to Pittsburgh train. They have truly bee...
Discussion started 10/17/2012 04:14 AM by lenny - 0 replies
lenny on 10/17/2012 04:14 AM
Just an opinion.I think the posters on this sight should write and email AMTRAK regularly asking about roll on service and when it will be instituted on the DC to Pittsburgh train. They have truly been dragging their feet on this issue

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 -  + What happened, I couldn't get on for a week?
Discussion started 10/12/2012 05:47 PM by lenny - 2 replies (last reply by Ray (webmaster) at 10/13/2012 10:05 AM)
lenny on 10/12/2012 05:47 PM
What happened, I couldn't get on for a week?

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 10/12/2012 10:40 PM
Me too. I was getting worried that the site may no longer exist. Glad to see it back up and running!

Ray (webmaster) on 10/13/2012 10:05 AM
Sorry folks, my bad - have been working real hard on a different website lately and wasn't watching this one closely enough. Database got too full and I did not realize it. I apologize, and will keep a closer eye on things in the future. Thanks for hanging in there.

Happy trails!

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Using Camelbak
 -  + My wife and I are planning on riding the C&O the last two weeks of October. It is my understanding that the water pump handles are removed after October 15. Does anyone have any input on using Camelba...
Discussion started 10/04/2012 09:54 AM by Gary W Petty - 1 reply (last reply by lenny at 10/05/2012 04:26 AM)
Gary W Petty from CHATTANOOGA on 10/04/2012 09:54 AM
My wife and I are planning on riding the C&O the last two weeks of October. It is my understanding that the water pump handles are removed after October 15. Does anyone have any input on using Camelbaks?

lenny on 10/05/2012 04:26 AM
Wife used one on our ride for the first time, and loved it. One shouln't drink cistern water

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Using Camelbak

GAP/C&O blog
 -  + Completed the whole ride on 9/29. Started in Homestead. Averaged 30 miles/day and stayed in B&B's. Photos/stories/details on my blog: http://dorkybikeshorts.weebly.com/dorky-bike-shorts-blog.html
Discussion started 10/03/2012 06:54 AM by Yellowbird - 0 replies
Yellowbird from Glen Gardner, NJ on 10/03/2012 06:54 AM
Completed the whole ride on 9/29. Started in Homestead. Averaged 30 miles/day and stayed in B&B's. Photos/stories/details on my blog: http://dorkybikeshorts.weebly.com/dorky-bike-shorts-blog.html

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GAP/C&O blog

 -  + What is the best overnight parking option near the start of the trail? We are planning to ride the entire GAP & C&O trails, so parking would be for about 1 week total. We will be riding West to East. ...
Discussion started 09/11/2012 08:11 PM by Nanaterry - 4 replies (last reply by nanaterry at 10/02/2012 01:23 PM)
Nanaterry on 09/11/2012 08:11 PM
What is the best overnight parking option near the start of the trail? We are planning to ride the entire GAP & C&O trails, so parking would be for about 1 week total. We will be riding West to East. Is the Mckeesport parking lot safe?

lenny on 09/14/2012 06:57 PM
I'm back. The Waterfront is a better choice lots of lights and businesses, so police and alot of people will be around.

Sean S from Mckeesport on 09/20/2012 06:01 PM
You could try parking at River City Junction a parking pass costs like 12 or bucks for the whole season and it is safe and secure it is about 1.5 miles away from Boston .Mile 132,242 Sandy Dr. Greenock,PA,412-754-0976. They list this as being in Mckeesport but is not in Mckeesport. It is right next to the trail which is real nice and easy. I park here all the time.

Sean S from Mckeesport on 09/20/2012 06:11 PM
It is between Boston and Buena Vista

nanaterry on 10/02/2012 01:23 PM
Just got back from our trip. We parked at the pump house. Rode the trail for 6 1/2 days, took a day to sight see in D.C. Then rented a van from the airport one way and drove back to the car. Everything was just fine. Returned the van to the Pitts. airport. Had a great time.

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 -  + The Hospital is NOT at the location listed & some of the places listed are NOT in Business anymore! BEST to call before going to make sure! JUST A HEADS UP ! Enjoy the Ride!
Discussion started 09/30/2012 03:52 AM by George Morgan - 1 reply (last reply by Ray (webmaster) at 09/30/2012 10:33 AM)
George Morgan from Williamsport MD on 09/30/2012 03:52 AM
The Hospital is NOT at the location listed & some of the places listed are NOT in Business anymore! BEST to call before going to make sure! JUST A HEADS UP ! Enjoy the Ride!

Ray (webmaster) on 09/30/2012 10:33 AM
Yes, it's always best to call ahead.

If you see any businesses listed here that you know have closed (or new ones that are missing), please post details here on the forum or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page, so we can keep the listings as accurate as possible for future trail users. There are a lot of businesses out there along hundreds of miles of trail. so we appreciate any help you can offer in keeping up with what's really open.

Thanks, and happy trails!

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 -  + About 2 miles.
Discussion started 09/28/2012 04:11 AM by lenny - 0 replies
lenny on 09/28/2012 04:11 AM
About 2 miles.

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Big Slackwater Project - is Finished!
 -  + Great news! I got this news from the Park Service.
The area of the C&O Canal Trail known as Big Slackwater is officially open. So we no longer have to use that detour on public roads.
Discussion started 09/24/2012 02:00 PM by Randy O - 4 replies (last reply by Lee the Biker at 09/27/2012 10:25 AM)
Randy O on 09/24/2012 02:00 PM
Great news! I got this news from the Park Service.
The area of the C&O Canal Trail known as Big Slackwater is officially open. So we no longer have to use that detour on public roads.
Enjoy your ride!

lenny on 09/25/2012 04:21 AM
A friend just rode up to the Big Slackwater approach ON 9/22, and said the approach was still being finished. Be careful getting on. As I said in my post I rode the restoration on 9/12 and some machinery was still in place at the approach.

Randy O on 09/25/2012 09:29 AM
Thanks for the first-hand report. The Park Service has indicated Big Slackwater is open for business. The Canal Trust has also confirmed this information.

lenny on 09/25/2012 06:43 PM

Lee the Biker from Podunk WV on 09/27/2012 10:25 AM
We rode it Tuesday, 9/25. It is as much of an engineering marvel as the Canal itself must have been in its day

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Big Slackwater Project - is Finished!

Hagerstown Antietam KOA
 -  + Do not camp here! We were placed in a campsite too small for
Our camper necessitating a 0730 pack up to get out of our neighbor's way so they would not hit us or a tree. When I tried to discuss ...
Discussion started 09/25/2012 12:03 PM - 0 replies
Anonymous on 09/25/2012 12:03 PM
Do not camp here! We were placed in a campsite too small for
Our camper necessitating a 0730 pack up to get out of our neighbor's way so they would not hit us or a tree. When I tried to discuss with he owner. This was his response "Your complaint is so utterly ridiculous that is does not warrant my time to call you back".
John Durham

That is the customer service you should expect. Suggest you find a Campgrond who values your business!

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Hagerstown Antietam KOA

 -  + any chance of bears or snakes on the trail or campsites?
Discussion started 07/29/2012 05:52 PM by frank - 6 replies (last reply by Tom at 09/24/2012 02:12 PM)
frank from medford nj on 07/29/2012 05:52 PM
any chance of bears or snakes on the trail or campsites?

lenny on 07/30/2012 04:15 AM
Yes, they are everywhere. Watch out for rattlers sunbathing across the trail, they look like sticks from a distance. Bears want nothing to do with people for the most part, but give them wide birth , especially a sow with cubs.

Randy from E-Town on 07/30/2012 11:30 AM
In regards to the C&O Canal, there have been several recent reports of Bear sightings near the Cumberland, MD area. They think dry conditions are luring the Bears to the River and parts of the Canal that may have water. I personally encountered a Bear a few miles from the Paw Paw Tunnel last summer. If they hear you they will typically move on. DO NOT FEED the BEARS!!! There is a very effective Bear Spray that is on the market that is endorsed by the National Park Service. On the C&O you will encounter Copper Heads near the river and you could see Black Rat Snakes and Black Snakes on the trail. On the Gap Trail you will encounter Bears, Rattle Snakes and Copper Heads. Leave them alone. Many parts of trail are very remote and it's a not a place you want to deal with a snake bite. Medical help could be hours away. All in all respect them and they will leave you alone.

Mr Purple Paul from Allentown PA on 07/30/2012 12:57 PM
I'm glad my wife doesn't read these forums . . LOL

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 07/31/2012 10:34 AM
My wife and I just finished the C&O and Gap trail yesterday. My wife watched a black bear cross the trail at mile 76 on the Gap. This was between Ohiopyle and Connellsville. It disappeared into the woods. We came across three snakes, all black snakes. Tons of deer and turtles. We believe we saw an eagle on the Yough river. Not 100% sure it was an eagle. It came down and scooped a fish out of the river.

Paul from Gaithersburg,Md on 09/14/2012 03:37 PM
You don't really need to carry bear spray. Black bears will generally move on if you see them and the trail usually has a long range of sight. Just stop and let them move on as they will have seen you and want to get away from you. I have seen lots of snakes, but you usually will see them, except in the fall when the leaves make them a little harder to see.

Tom on 09/24/2012 02:12 PM
As far as the Bears please don't feed them. This will condition the Bear to expect a handout from the next person that comes along, thereby setting that person up for an encounter. Yes, in general Bears are easily spooked but it is that characteristic that can make them dangerous. It is true, that there is an effective Bear Spray on the market. Naturally you only use it as a last resort. There have been regional reports of persons being attacked by black bears. You can also carry a whistle or horn with you. Loud noise may frighten the bear away from you. You should always have a back-up plan. Better to be extra safe.

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Camping along trail
 -  + Planning a trip from Ohiopyle to Hancock then north to Mechanicsburg starting on 9-30-12. Any comments or tips on camping along trail. Are fires permitted? Thanks first time doing a large section of...
Discussion started 09/21/2012 05:16 PM by Moser - 0 replies
Moser from Mechanicsburg on 09/21/2012 05:16 PM
Planning a trip from Ohiopyle to Hancock then north to Mechanicsburg starting on 9-30-12. Any comments or tips on camping along trail. Are fires permitted? Thanks first time doing a large section of the trail.

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Camping along trail

 -  + Finished The Ride yesterday 9-13 @ 3:30. Longest an the complete ride Point Park to mile marker 0.Great weather all week. Left Sun. am and rode 5 days.Lots of riders coming and going, wife did great, ...
Discussion started 09/14/2012 07:09 PM by lenny - 2 replies (last reply by Seam S at 09/20/2012 06:08 PM)
lenny on 09/14/2012 07:09 PM
Finished The Ride yesterday 9-13 @ 3:30. Longest an the complete ride Point Park to mile marker 0.Great weather all week. Left Sun. am and rode 5 days.Lots of riders coming and going, wife did great, a little sore and happy to be done. One detour I will comment on is at C&O mile 17-15, pay attention to the detour and follow it. They are repairing 3/10 mile of the tow path and is impassible. I also rode the Big Slackwater restoration, it is beautiful. Iwill be happy to answer specific questions on this forum. If I can help I will.

JJB from Fairmont, WV on 09/14/2012 09:07 PM
That is GREAT Lenny! Glad you made it safe and sound. Pretty cool to go the entire length of both trails.

Seam S from Mckeesport on 09/20/2012 06:08 PM
Sounds like you had a great trip Lenny. Glad to hear it I plan on doing the whole trail next summer. I have been doing just small weekend trips with my son and daughter all summer.

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Gap trail conditions
 -  + Hi All. What is weather like the first two weeks of Oct? Plans are to leave Pittsburgh the 02Oct12 for D.C. What is the recommended route to the western trail-head from the Amtrak station?How wet does...
Discussion started 09/14/2012 08:43 PM by bikenbob - 2 replies (last reply by bikenbob at 09/19/2012 12:07 AM)
bikenbob from hammond in. on 09/14/2012 08:43 PM
Hi All. What is weather like the first two weeks of Oct? Plans are to leave Pittsburgh the 02Oct12 for D.C. What is the recommended route to the western trail-head from the Amtrak station?How wet does it get?
And how muddy ? Are the trails still passable?

lenny on 09/15/2012 06:48 AM
No way to tell about weather, check 15 day forecast, but the mornings will no doubt be in the 40's. If you get rain the tow path will be very muddy, as I just finished the ride and it hadn't rained for 3 days and there were still puddles. At the Pgh.train station, take Liberty Ave. to Boulevard of the Allies to Grant St. then find the Eliza Furnace Trail and you are on your way.

bikenbob from hammond in. on 09/19/2012 12:07 AM
thanx will follow that route to trail

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Gap trail conditions

November ride
 -  + Planning a ride Cumberland to DC in early Nov. Has anyone done it then? Comments? Advise?
Discussion started 09/17/2012 01:23 PM by Sliver - 1 reply (last reply by lenny at 09/18/2012 06:51 PM)
Sliver from Wisconsin on 09/17/2012 01:23 PM
Planning a ride Cumberland to DC in early Nov. Has anyone done it then? Comments? Advise?

lenny on 09/18/2012 06:51 PM
Could be cold and wet, not to mention muddy.

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November ride

GAP completion at Pittsburgh end
 -  + News article about the upcoming COMPLETION of the Pittsburgh end of GAP:
Discussion started 09/17/2012 05:35 AM by Ray (webmaster) - 0 replies
Ray (webmaster) on 09/17/2012 05:35 AM
News article about the upcoming COMPLETION of the Pittsburgh end of GAP:

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GAP completion at Pittsburgh end

 -  + Grandma's Country Kitchen is again closed! We had an excellent lunch at the Liberty gas station across the street. A great burger and fries and chicken sandwich and only 10.bucks. Owner said she and p...
Discussion started 09/15/2012 06:58 AM by lenny - 0 replies
lenny on 09/15/2012 06:58 AM
Grandma's Country Kitchen is again closed! We had an excellent lunch at the Liberty gas station across the street. A great burger and fries and chicken sandwich and only 10.bucks. Owner said she and partner purchased building across the st. and will open a restaurant soon.

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 -  + Made it to Cumberland. Second of two 77 mile days. Rest of the week will be shorter rides. Very pleasant weather, cool in the mornings. Legs are a little heavy at this point but should let up tomorro...
Discussion started 09/10/2012 07:11 PM by lenny - 2 replies (last reply by lenny at 09/14/2012 07:49 PM)
lenny on 09/10/2012 07:11 PM
Made it to Cumberland. Second of two 77 mile days. Rest of the week will be shorter rides. Very pleasant weather, cool in the mornings. Legs are a little heavy at this point but should let up tomorrow.Headed to Hancock, 60 miles.

Hondo on 09/11/2012 08:56 AM
Lenny, you are cranking out the miles! Hope the forecast holds for you. Curious if you have been to the actual mile 0. I believe you go to the end where the road meets the trail then a sharp right, ride under 2 overpasses then take a right into a big parking lot and kind of hang left around the boat harbor then just follow a little gravel path. I think its about .3 miles .I hope to do that next year.Safe travels

lenny on 09/14/2012 07:49 PM
Hondo, yes DID IT. Read my post, and ask ?

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 -  + something happened on the computer so here goes. Wife is happy to be done. One detour on the C&O at mile17-15. Follow the detour as the towpath is impassible, 3/10 mi is being repaired.If anyone has q...
Discussion started 09/14/2012 07:14 PM by lenny - 0 replies
lenny on 09/14/2012 07:14 PM
something happened on the computer so here goes. Wife is happy to be done. One detour on the C&O at mile17-15. Follow the detour as the towpath is impassible, 3/10 mi is being repaired.If anyone has questions I will be happy to answer.

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Frostburg Inn in Frostburg
 -  + Nice clean rooms--but Frostburg was a busy place when school is in session. This place is nice and clean rooms reasonably priced--but I would probably comtinue down to Cumberland.
Discussion started 09/11/2012 10:38 AM by Dana - 0 replies
Dana on 09/11/2012 10:38 AM
Nice clean rooms--but Frostburg was a busy place when school is in session. This place is nice and clean rooms reasonably priced--but I would probably comtinue down to Cumberland.

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Frostburg Inn in Frostburg

Town Hill Manor B & B in Little Orleans
 -  + We stayed here in September and it was fabulous. It's not on the trail, but they're there in 10 minutes to pick you up. They went out of their way to drive us back to the trail before they served the ...
Discussion started 09/27/2011 01:23 PM by Cathy - 1 reply (last reply by Dana at 09/11/2012 10:36 AM)
Cathy from New Mexico on 09/27/2011 01:23 PM
We stayed here in September and it was fabulous. It's not on the trail, but they're there in 10 minutes to pick you up. They went out of their way to drive us back to the trail before they served the other guests breakfast in the morning. Great hospitality and service.

Dana from Arizona on 09/11/2012 10:36 AM
One of the special places in America. You have to stop here if you have the chance. Do not do the ride--let them shuttle you. I would go back in a heart beat!!!

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Town Hill Manor B & B in Little Orleans

Bill's Place in Little Orleans
 -  + Stopped here with some buddies in 2008 during a ride from Cumberland to Georgetown. We were looking for a place to hide from the rain for a while. Interesting place to stop for snacks and a hot meal...
Discussion started 05/24/2010 11:48 AM by Steve - 1 reply (last reply by Dana at 09/11/2012 10:34 AM)
Steve from Chicago on 05/24/2010 11:48 AM
Stopped here with some buddies in 2008 during a ride from Cumberland to Georgetown. We were looking for a place to hide from the rain for a while. Interesting place to stop for snacks and a hot meal. Simple, cheap, and unique.

Dana on 09/11/2012 10:34 AM
You have to stop and meet the locals. Enough said!!!

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